
Hi, I’m Ebony.

I am a young, food appreciating, travel loving, Chihuahua mum based in Melbourne, who grew up with a distorted self esteem problem and a passion for art. I have rolls, scars, stretch marks and I too, have one boob that sits higher than the other. The point is, I am a normal woman, with a normal body, but it’s the only body I’m going to get so I may as well learn to love it, and my job is to show you that you can do the same.

As a strong advocator for self love, body positivity, and giving yourself the recognition you deserve, my photography provides an all inclusive safe space for self empowerment.

I want to prove that all bodies are great bodies and I want to prove that through art. Through a boudoir session, my only goal is to be your number one hype girl & show you what you’re capable of regardless of colour, shape, size, or gender.

Melbourne model boudoir wedding

The most common thing I hear about people not wanting to invest in themselves are things along the lines of:

  • When I lose weight

  • When I grow my hair out

  • When I get my boob job

  • When I spend 6 months at the gym

  • When I get my fillers/botox

And what all of these have in common is this warped fundamental belief that you have no reason to value and love yourself NOW. Why don’t you deserve to feel good about yourself for the person you are TODAY?

You are perfectly deserving of feeling empowered and beautiful exactly the way you are, and there is nothing taboo about learning to love the skin you’re in.

Let’s prove that.

“The comfort I felt and the way you’ve made my body look, you have given me the biggest confidence boost ever.”